
Showing posts from June, 2019

ZOE Adventures- Post #3

Olá, As you know from our last update, we spent our looooong Shabbat (it ended at 10:30) in Seville. After a late wake up and a late lunch, we walked to some of the main tourist areas, including the old city. We stumbled upon a Jewish museum, and they thankfully let us in without paying when we explained that we didn’t have money because of Shabbat (they were then very surprised but thankful when we showed up Sunday morning to pay them). We then walked around the Alcazar, a big palace and garden that kept us walking around in the heat for so long, that we had to return to our airbnb for a ~siesta~ to fight off the heat and exhaustion. By the evening, we had regained our strength and visited the “Metropol Parasol”, a structure that is colloquially called “the mushrooms” because of its weird fungus-like shape, that gave us a pretty view of the city as the sun was setting. The best part was the free postcard, which made up for the lack of photos (cuz it was still Shabbat). We ended

ZOE Adventures- Post #2

Buen día/tarde/noche wherever you may be, We are now in Seville, preparing for Shabbat in our AirBnb that overlooks not only the cute narrow streets of Sevilla but also one of the biggest bullfighting rings of southern Spain. In the past 5 days, we’ve been in 5 cities: Madrid, Toledo, Cordoba, Cadiz, and Seville. Since you can look on Wikipedia to learn the facts about these places and to see pictures, we will just focus on some of our adventures & misadventures in each of these places.  Madrid: Madrid was overall great and our non-shared AirBnb was quite a step up from Barcelona...or so we thought. When we returned to our apartment on our second day, we were overtaken by some stench. We’re convinced that the plumbing system of Spain has not been updated since the days of Ferdinand & Isabella because our bathroom—and therefore the whole small, nearly windowless apartment—wreaked of must and sewage. See? We really are roughing it on this post-college backpacking a

ZOE Adventures- Post #1

Hola! “Who is ZOE and why did someone send me this blog?”, you may be wondering.  Welcome to the travel blog of Z(imi), O(livia), and E(lisheva)- your one stop shop for following our post-college travels through Spain & Portugal. Feel free to subscribe for updates, whether you’re here for the laughs or just for the photos, or to ignore this and miss out on your greatest source of summer entertainment. Here goes... Zimi & Elisheva spent the first few days honeymooning in Barcelona, where we started by wandering through the Jerusalem-esque Old City with a free walking tour. Even though the tour was interesting and the guide   was great, we left a little early to make it to a scheduled museum tour; unfortunately our guide did not believe this “excuse” and seemed offended that we ditched. We spent a few hours exploring Gaudi architecture buildings before heading to our hostel for a much needed siesta (we were running on the minimal sleep that we had gotten on the p